It is the container solution where chemical waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste can be stored in the most practical way. It is prepared in a short time, portable, and all necessary safety equipment can be applied. The storage area can be expanded with modules that can be added if necessary.
The necessary security measures for chemical, hazardous, and medical waste storage are provided in accordance with the regulations.
Container waste storage is economical compared to its peers. The infrastructure for electricity and water installations comes ready. You can have your own project done or evaluate the project we will prepare according to your needs.
Installations etc. are easy to renew. It is resistant to weather conditions and impacts and its durability can be increased upon request.
It can be a 24-hour open storage or it can be turned into a safe box that can be closed in a very short time with its electronically closing doors when you are done.
When waste transportation is required, instead of loading your storage onto a transport vehicle, you can transport your storage itself under suitable conditions.
We can design it in a short time, manufacture it in a short time and install it immediately at the address you want.